Getting the recent engine work done which included the new ECI Titan, Nickel Carbide Cylinders gave me a break for a while. Two weeks after we were flying again it was off to Oakey in QLD . The Museum at Oakey is a world class facility, if you get the chance for a visit I'd highly reccomend it.

I did 2 displays on the Saturday in very hot, windy and dusty conditions - far from the best conditions. 2 more displays on Sunday in much nicer weather finished off the trip.
The displays were well recieved - it was a nice touch to have the commentators greet me after each flight with a couple of children who had questions about flying. That sort of crowd participation is a nice addition to an event like this.
On the way home I stopped at Tamworth for the night. I'll always visit my freinds in Tamworth if I get the opportunity. Flying to Sydney the next day was interesting and challenging - plenty of weather in the Sydney basin for my arrival ...
The spark plugs were as dry as a bone after the trip, so we decided the engine was now run in. We dumped the run-in oil and replaced it with our favourite oil, Exxon Elite multi-weight oil.

It's been a while since I did any competition style aerobatics but it's time to concentrate on the State Aerobatic Champs in a couple of weeks ...