December 22, 2009
December 20, 2009
New engine cowl
November 22, 2009
Hunter Valley Display

Last week I went to the Hunter Valley, north of Sydney, to fly a display at the Kirkton Park Sebel. The event was an Allianz corporate function. It's always great to fly a display away from an airfield. This location had beautiful scenery with rolling hills and huge gum trees which made it a lot of fun.
The display was well received. On the flight home I ran into a large line of thunderstorms and decided the best option was to over night back in the Hunter - so I too ended up spending the night at the Sebel. It's a lovely place with plenty of old charm.
The weather had cleared by late morning the next day and the flight back to Sydney was pleasant!

November 5, 2009
Proud Partners with Quail TV!

The "Real Top Guns" and the "Find my Family" series are a couple of examples.
Check our web page for more information!
November 4, 2009
State (NSW) Aerobatic Championships
We are back from the NSW Aerobatic Championships. It was a fantastic event, the biggest comp for decades apparently. I competed in Advanced which had an excellent turn out of competitors. With not much Aresti flying lately I wasn't particularly confident prior to the weekend but things came together in the days running up to the comp.

I finished first in all three scored events, ie the Free, the First Unknown and the Second Unknown for an overall win.
A very pleasing result.
My wife had to eat her words, she thought I wouldn't be competitive ...
Results are at:
Good mate, Richard Wiltshire cleaned up in the Unlimited category. We came home in formation together, both of us in good spirits! Not long after takeoff, Rich joked we should of called ourselves "Victory Formation", now that would have been rubbing it in to the other guys!
The officials did a great job, things ran very smoothly and we got through a huge amount of flying, over 120 flights I believe ...
Congratulations and thanks to all involved.

(Waiting for the Starter to give me the go ahead ... )
I finished first in all three scored events, ie the Free, the First Unknown and the Second Unknown for an overall win.
A very pleasing result.
My wife had to eat her words, she thought I wouldn't be competitive ...
Results are at:
Good mate, Richard Wiltshire cleaned up in the Unlimited category. We came home in formation together, both of us in good spirits! Not long after takeoff, Rich joked we should of called ourselves "Victory Formation", now that would have been rubbing it in to the other guys!
The officials did a great job, things ran very smoothly and we got through a huge amount of flying, over 120 flights I believe ...
Congratulations and thanks to all involved.

(Trying to critique ... )
October 20, 2009
Oakey - Army Museum Display

Getting the recent engine work done which included the new ECI Titan, Nickel Carbide Cylinders gave me a break for a while. Two weeks after we were flying again it was off to Oakey in QLD . The Museum at Oakey is a world class facility, if you get the chance for a visit I'd highly reccomend it.

I did 2 displays on the Saturday in very hot, windy and dusty conditions - far from the best conditions. 2 more displays on Sunday in much nicer weather finished off the trip.
The displays were well recieved - it was a nice touch to have the commentators greet me after each flight with a couple of children who had questions about flying. That sort of crowd participation is a nice addition to an event like this.
On the way home I stopped at Tamworth for the night. I'll always visit my freinds in Tamworth if I get the opportunity. Flying to Sydney the next day was interesting and challenging - plenty of weather in the Sydney basin for my arrival ...
The spark plugs were as dry as a bone after the trip, so we decided the engine was now run in. We dumped the run-in oil and replaced it with our favourite oil, Exxon Elite multi-weight oil.

It's been a while since I did any competition style aerobatics but it's time to concentrate on the State Aerobatic Champs in a couple of weeks ...
October 5, 2009
Cowra visit SAAA Annual Convention
July 6, 2009
Hi Octane Performance Coatings
Ceramic coatings have become mainstream in the performance engine world. I wanted to use the technology on the Rebel - the advantages are well documented. After looking around, I decided to use Hi Octane Performance Coatings at Rydalmere in Sydney. They have a brand new facility with the latest gear and a refreshingly enthusiastic approach to their work. Before I got to know the guys there, they said to me, don't worry about your pipes, if they don't come out perfect, we will remove the coating and do it again!
I can't speak highly enough about the quality of their work.
The photos here are the exhaust pipes off the Rebel, they are perfect!
There is more information on our web page under the "Hi Octane" link and you will find more at
Tell Ian and his guys that I promised a perfect result at a competitive price!

Rebel 300 exhaust after ceramic coating!
June 20, 2009
Twitter now on our Web Page.
We have been doing some upgrades to the web site recently. Part of that was adding a Twitter feed. I'll aim to use the Twitter function for small news/intersest items and will Blog the more significant items!
June 8, 2009
A different kind of ride ...
I had the opportunity to do some travelling with the family recently. We used a Cirrus SR22 from the Richmond Flying Club. I hadn't flown a Cirrus until just recently but it's a comfortable and safe way to travel! It was the first time I took my daughters flying. They didn't like it much at first but they soon relaxed and fell asleep. By the end of the holiday they seemed to be loving it.

Our trip to the Gold Coast was a bit longer than planned - no one had forecast the Category 2 cyclone type weather that kept us there for a few extra days! While we had the chance, I took my brothers for a fly around the Gold Coast. I had forgotten how nice it is up there.
The Rebel has been getting a few minor upgrades while I've had a break from the aerobatics but it's time to get back into it now!

My brother Ashley, always happy to go for a fly.

My 3 girls in the back of the Cirrus.

May 3, 2009
Harmon Rocket

The last couple of weeks I've been helping the current owner of my old Harmon Rocket. I built the plane a few years back but it's undergone some fairly significant modifications and needed test flying and fine tuning. It was great to get back in this plane, they are fantastic sports aircraft. It looks like there will be more test flying coming up, including the first Lancair Legacy in Australia!
April 15, 2009
Australian Aerobatic Champs - 2009

I've been working hard the last few months to prepare for the "unlimited" level at the Australian Aerobatic Championships which are held at Easter. I had a few minor issues with the plane in the weeks leading upto the comp. Unfortunately, on the day I was planning to leave, things got slightly worse and that left me with an unserviceable aircraft. I couldn't believe my luck. This plane has not missed a beat or had a single problem since I got it out from the States. Not to worry, it is nothing serious and we will be back flying soon!
As things turn out, the competition was virtually washed out, the unlimited guys only got to fly their "Free" and missed both the "Unknowns"...
March 19, 2009
Avalon Update
The photo shows the Allianz Aviation Team. They are 4 of the friendliest and most professional people I've ever met. I'm proud to be associated with Allianz! Pictured from left to right are Linda, Chris, myself, Mike and Tarin.
Friday night was fantastic, low cloud, loud jets, F111 "dump and burns" through the cloud, old and new friends and great hospitality from Raytheon! What more could you ask for!
March 11, 2009
Avalon 2009
March 1, 2009
Wings Over Illawarra - Wollongong

This past weekend saw us attend Wings Over Illawarra at Wollongong Airport. The event has grown over the years and this years crowd was estimated at 30,000! I was planning on flying a display at the event but things got a little complicated and the display didn't eventuate. My thanks go to organizer, Arthur Webster, for his efforts in trying to get our display included. We have things well organised now, and I'm confident we can make it work next year.
I took the somewhat unusual step of parking the Rebel out in the public access area. This meant that everyone who entered the event walked past the aircraft and could actually get up close and touch it. When you around a plane like this all the time you take it for granted but the fascination it generated with visitors was incredible!
On the way home, I went in formation with Stu Hutchison who was flying a Cirrus from the Richmond Flying Club. We stopped on the way to visit Richard Wiltshire at Wedderburn, who was test flying his latest ride, a Sabre unlimited aerobatic aircraft.
It was a good day out but it is time to get back into the training for the upcoming competitions!
There are some more pictures in our album:
February 18, 2009
Lubes Direct now supporting Blair Aerosport
For some time now, my oil of choice has been Exxon Elite 20W-50, so I'm very happy to announce that Mobil (Exxon) Oils Distributor, LUBES DIRECT, has partnered up with Blair Aerosport! Lubes Direct is located in Penrith, and is the NSW distributor for Mobil oils. Visit for more information. With a customer base as big as theirs, they must be doing something right! I'll provide more details in the coming weeks. Thanks for your support guys and I look forward to working together.
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