The Allianz Aviation team of Mike Dalton and Chris Rose met me at the airport and took me to have a look at the display site from the ground. I had forgotten how nice (and big) the Yering Winery Complex is! I also had the honour of meeting the Allianz GM.
Unfortunately, the weather turned for the worse...the cloud base remained high enough at over 2500 feet but there was drizzle and waves of showers passing through the area. For the display itself I was lucky to be between the heavier showers but the dull and dreary conditions would have taken away from the display - even a large smoke trail can fade into the background in those conditions. However, the feedback was good and having done a few displays now, I'm getting a better feel for what people like to see. I must say it was a real blast to fly a display at such a venue.
I had decided to do a quick turn around and head back to Sydney after the display. The weather was lousy, in fact, it was probably the roughest weather I've flown in for many years. I sure was glad to be in a strong plus or minus 10 G aeroplane flying back over the hills! In hind sight it was a good idea to head home, the weather was worse over the next few days and I may have spent a few nights down there....
It was a long day but Allianz is working hard to be a major player in the Aviation Insurance Market and I'm glad to help out!

I've just taken a few weeks holidays from the Air Force. The family and I are heading up to the Gold Coast for 2 weeks on the beach and some time with my parents and brothers....I'm really looking forward to the break. After Christmas I'll need to get stuck into the training for the 2009 competition season!